Break The Lock [Video]

Here is a new visual for our song “ Break The Lock “ from the Total Retaliation record featuring Ant Money from E Town Concrete. It was great to have Anthony come to the studio and hang for a while and watch him effortlessly crush the mic just like I always imagined he would.  People may not know this but he was Terror‘s manager for a few years and really helped the band out in many ways. It’s great to still have him in the family. Speaking of family, I asked my brother Jay to put together this video for us after I saw his band Pure Heel  release one for a song called “Turnbuckle” .  I really liked the vibe and texted him asking “who did it ?”  He replied that he did , and of course I said can you throw one together for us. So here it is, Enjoy!

If anyone wants to get creative with anything Terror related get it touch.  We are always fully interested in seeing what people create with our music, words and energy -


- SV


One With The Underdogs: Demos


European Hardcore Party 2003